Everydayality in a Nutshell is an artist’s book that gives a critical perspective on a daily life in a contemporary society. It is a small study of how humans have tendencies to take things – or more precisely life – for granted. This tendency to drop into routines and habits without appreciation and recognition of the greatness of life itself is represented by simple repetitive movements of applying gray wax pastel on the paper.
The repetition is seen throughout the whole book, since the pages are treated in the similar manner and still posses small, but significant differences.
The cover of the book – with its colorful, strong, and vivid marks and impressions – is there to remind us of the possibilities that are right there in front of our eyes. But we somehow keep ignoring them.

Everydayality in a Nutshell
Size 10 × 10 cm, 48 pages
Edition 1 unique copy
Binding French link stitch, open back
Paper Colorplan Natural 125 gsm
Year 2022
Buchdrucklabor, Leipzig